Kite Law College, established in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, is one of the premier law colleges in the state. It is affiliated with CCS University, Meerut, and is approved by theBar Council of India (BCI). The college strives to inculcate and nurture outstanding qualities of legal education, legal knowledge,
and legal skills among the students.
The college offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses such as B.A.LL.B.,LL.B., and LL.M. The teaching pedagogy of the college is designed to create graduates well acquainted with the latest laws, regulations, procedures, and judicial and legal systems in India. Kite Law College is well-equipped with a congenial academic environment and infrastructure facilities for its students to provide a smart learning experience.
The college is dedicated faculty of highly experienced and qualified profes -sionals from diverse academic backgrounds who are passionate about creating an ecosystem that harnesses the maximum potential of the students. Kite Law College offers an impressive range of extracurricular activities like moot courts, debate competitions, etc.Besides, it is well-equipped
with various facilities like spacious classrooms, a library with an updated collection of books and journals, a moot court room, Wi-Fi facilities, and other basic amenities.

Course Structure
Semester I
Legal Method
Political Scicncc-I
Introduction to Law
Political Science-II
General English-II
Law of Contract-I
Law of Tort-I
Semester II
Law of Contract-II
Political Scionco-III
Criminal Law-I
Constitutional Law-I
Law of Contract-II
Family Law-I
Constitutional Law-II
Family Law-II
Property Law
Labour Law-I
Environmental Law
Semester III
Criminal Law-I
Corporate Law-I
Administrative Law
Public International Law
Law of Evidcnco
Conflict Laws
Company Laws
Human Rights
Intellectual Property Law
Code of Civil Procedure
Criminal Law-II
Coroorate Law-II
Semester IV
Labour Law-II
Environmental Law-II
Drafting, Pleading and
Optional Paoer-I
Optional Paper-II
Intellectual Property Rights
Profess onal Ethics
Optional Paper-III
Optional Papor-IV
Semester V
Private International Law
Merger. Acquisition & Competition Laws
Optional Pa per-V
Optional Paper-VI
Law of Equity, Trusts, Suit Evaluation and Registration
International Trade Lav/
Moot Courtslnternsh ps
Seminar Paper