Enriching Opportunities Beyond the Syllabus
BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) is a three-year full time course affiliated to CCS University,Meerut. This Course Comprises of six Semesters. The course covers computer Science Subjects Such as programming languages, algorithm design and
Optimization, computer networks, database management systems, digital electronics, mathematics, probability, statistics, accounting and finance etc.
Apart from the subjects covered by the University Syllabus, the Institute offers summer courses in specialized fields like DOT-NET, CORE & Advance JAVA, Web Designing, Oracle etc. These help students in getting themselves prepared for the job market as per current requirement of he industry
After successful completion of B.C.A, one can opt for post graduate courses such as M.C.A or M.B.A in Information Technology

Course Structure
Semester I
Mathematics-1 (Maths)
Programming Principle & Algorithm(PPA)
Computer Fundamental & Office Automation
Principle of Management (POM)
Business Communication (BC)
Computer Laboratory and practical Work of Diffrence Automation
Computer Laboratory & Practical work of C Programming
Environmental Studies (EVS)
Semester II
Mathematics II
C Programming
Organization Behavior
Digital Electronics & Computer Org.
Financial Accounting & Management (FAM)
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of C Programming
Semester III
Object Oriented Programming Using C++
Data Structure Using C & C++
Computer Architecture & Assembly Language
Business Economics
Elements of Statistics
Computer Laboratory & Practical Work of OPS
Computer Laboratory & Practical Work of DS
Semester IV
Computer Graphics & Multimedia Application
Operating System (OS)
Software Engineering (SE)
Optimization Techniques
Mathematics -III (MATHS)
Computer Laboratory & Practical Work of CGMA
Semester V
Introduction to DBMS
Java Programming & Dynamic Web page Design
Computer Network
Numerical Methods
Minor Project
Viva-Voice on Summer Training
Computer Laboratory & Practical Work of DBMS
Computer Laboratory & Practical Work of Java Programming & Dynamic Webpage Design
Semester VI
Computer Network Security
Information System: Analysis Design & Implementation
Knowledge Management
Major Projects
Presentation/Seminar based on Major Projec